The EVI - Dazzy Denim

This new cotton Affêre will let you flow in every occasion.

The open heel creates an easy step in while the open toe gives you the desired feeling of freedom.  

  • 100% handcrafted in Portugal

  • 100% cotton 

  • rubber-injected heel 

  • heel : 7cm

  • lightweight 

Regular price

We try to ensure your Affêre meets you in the greenest way possible. We will bring you your first Affêre by bike. This way we limit our footprint as much as possible.

In case your Affêre has to be shipped to a location (in NL) which is not in our bike ride reach, we will ship your Affêre to you for free.

Want to know how we price our products?
Keeping our footprint as little as possible is very important to us. Therefore we only partner with certificated factories and where possible make use of available dead stock or leftover fabric. We transport over land and try to boycot flying as much as possible. All our items are fully handcrafted. And although all these ethics should just be someones license to operate, they come with a price. But, we also believe shopping should be fun. Hence, we try to keep our prices as low as possible, without profit maximisation goals, while we tend to make just enough to invest in your next affêre.

We think leather is the most natural and elegant material to make a shoe with, please note that this product is 'alive' and fragile to rough times. To keep her as beautiful as possible, we recommend you just keep the shoe in the box forever ;)